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Color psychology and brands

Color is a part of our daily lives and can influence our mood, how we think, and even what we buy. Brands depend on color to help sell products and evoke certain emotional connections with consumers. The Infographic Journal’s Irma Wallace recently reported on The Business of Colour Psychology as a way businesses can use color psychology to their benefit and increase sales by simply choosing the right hue.

A company's logo and the color they choose can say a lot about their core competencies.

A company’s logo and the color they choose can say a lot about their core competencies. Source: The Logo Company

In Wallace’s piece, she reported the following data (in an infographic, of course) on how color can be used to catch a consumer’s eye:

  • Apple introduced colorful Macs to the market and in three months ramped up sales from $44 million to $152 million
  • Heinz sold over 10 million bottles of limited edition green ketchup in seven months equalling $23 million in additional sales
  • More than 90% of consumers say they place importance on visual factors when making purchases
  • A 2007 study by University of Maryland – Loyola found color increases brand recognition by up to 80%
  • Ninety percent of small business owners believe customers remember color presentations as opposed to black & white

These are just a few of the findings, but no doubt color can make or break a brand. When combined with strategic marketing and consumer insight, brands can create lifelong customers. It’s finding the delicate balance between pull and push marketing tactics, combined with colors that resonate with your audience, that turn the ever elusive brand ambassador (your consumer) into your greatest ally.

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Brian Cockman