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AC&M Insights: Health Disparities Among Minority Women







Major Health Disparities

Minority women make up 35% of women in the United States, and by 2050 are expected to make up the majority. There are many health issues that affect women, but minority women are affected and impacted at even higher, disproportionate rates. The following are 4 that stand out the most:

  1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, a leading cause of death for women overall, is a bigger problem for minority women since they are less likely to get screened for the disease than white woman, according to the American College of Radiology. African American women between 35-44 are more than twice as likely to die from breast cancer than white women, as stated by Minority Nurse.


HIV/AIDS is another health issue prevalent within minority women, since they are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed than white women according to NPR. In a study conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 61% of all new cases diagnosed among women were African American and 15% were Hispanic.

  1. Obesity Rates

Obesity rates are higher among minority women, and although not as deadly as the previous disparities, it poses a major health concern due to complications from the condition.  State of Obesity notes that African American women have an obesity rate of 57%, Hispanic women 44%, and White women 33%.

  1. Diabetes

Diabetes is already considered a major problem throughout the country. What’s even more alarming is its higher rate of prevalence among minority women. Diabetes Sister reports that minority women are two to four times more likely to be affected by type 2 diabetes than white women.

Reducing the Disparities

The good news is that many companies and organizations are creating initiatives, such as our client Blue Cross NC’s campaign Let Nothing Stop You™, which was developed to empower minorities in North Carolina to manage their diabetes and combat the disease. Awareness and education are key — health issues affecting minority women should continue to be a primary focus. Only when these issues are addressed consistently can the fight against them make an impact.

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Pablo Arellano