Blue Cross NC’s Well and Good Gospel Tour

We teamed up with Blue Cross NC  for their “Well and Good” Church Challenge, a friendly competition between three North Carolina churches, which was kicked off by a captivating Gospel Tour to gather the community together and promote healthy living. The tour was headlined by award-winning gospel singer Tye Tribbet.

Tribbet has a long history of success in the music industry, and has worked with artists like Faith Hill, Usher, and Will Smith. With his work alongside some of the world’s most famous superstars, Tribbet is also a GRAMMY® winner, choir director, songwriter, and instrumentalist.

Tye Tribbet Church Performance

The Gospel Tour and Wellness Challenge

The Well and Good Gospel Tour took place in November 2018 in Raleigh, Greensboro and Charlotte. The performances with Tribbet and other gospel singers provided a platform to introduce church-goers and community members to the services and programs Blue Cross NC has to offer. In the Well and Good program, participants take a pledge to live healthier lifestyles with activities that involve resting, fitness, self-love, and healthy eating habits. The goal was to guide participants to develop values to live happier, wellness-focused lifestyles.

Through the Blue Cross NC Wellness Challenge, church-goers participated in activities they enjoy, learned more about leading a healthier lifestyle, and earned donations for health and wellness equipment for their church.


The Gospel Tour had nearly 3,000 people in attendance across all three locations; it also created over 2 million impressions over social media, and reached over 2 million people through radio impressions.

Blue Cross NC pledged cash donations for the participating churches based on who had the most sign-ups and challenge completions for the wellness program. In 3rd place was the Church of Mount Zion in Greensboro,  The Word of God Church in Raleigh received second place, and  The Park Church in Charlotte came in first place.

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Angela Hiltbrunner