smiling busy mom in kitchen with child

More Busy Moms Need a Change in Marketing

Think of the last ad you’ve seen aimed at moms.

Chances are its main focus is about how convenient that product is, and how it will save Mom time during her super busy day.

This has been the calling card of Mom-targeted ads for decades, but has it become too generic that it actually hurts rather than helps brands target moms?

By constantly nagging moms about how busy they are and how much they need to save time with convenience focused products, brands convey a discouraging rather than inspiring message.

Considering that nearly half of women today are the primary or equal breadwinners in their family, and nearly half are envious of women who get to spend more time with their families, it’s not about convenience—it’s about quality time.

Moms want brands that target her health and happiness.

Brands have to give her more than an “on-the-go” solution. What moms really want are their weekends back.

Time to spend with family and friends, or relaxing, or going to the gym. They want to know they can spend quality time with their kids before having to run off to the next thing.

This is a huge insight for shopper marketing, and anyone looking to target moms.

Digital shopping models like online ordering and delivery/pick-up are innovations that help “give back hours”.

The more we come to understand these trends and preferences of Mom as a consumer, the better we can position products to help Mom eliminate her time shopping and maximize her time with family.

Our moms want what we all want, more time with the ones we love. Focus on being the brand that can give that to moms through creative innovations and marketing solutions.


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Pacino Mancillas