What Consumers Actually Want on Social Media

Log in. Two little words that entice so many of us on a daily basis to access our favorite social network and spend hours perusing through tweets, statuses, and pictures.

With so much connectivity to these platforms, it’s easy to understand a brand’s need to establish a strong, positive presence on social media. So while it’s no secret that social media is a powerful tool for outreach in today’s world, how exactly does that translate to brands? As consumers, do we see a benefit in directly contacting a brand on social media? Do we see a benefit to even following a brand on social media?

According to a survey done by Hubspot, users typically expect brands to have a presence on about 3 platforms. However, user expectation doesn’t really translate to a user following. For example, Hubspot reports that while over 60% of consumers expect brands to be on Twitter, only 30% follow their favorite brands there. Why is this? Maybe the answer lies in user-brand interaction.

Although consumers are quick to use social media as a means to compliment, complain about, and request support from a brand, they don’t always feel that their voices are actually being heard.

In fact, Hubspot states that in order for a consumer to feel like they’re getting their point across, they’d rather use good old-fashioned email as a means of communication. What’s more, a consumer experiences less disappointment in a brand’s service if they’re not replied to via social media compared to when they’re not replied to via email.

Bottom line? If your followers feel like they can’t expect interaction with you on social media, that says more about your need for improvement of service than anything else.

Consumers’ needs and wants can be fleeting and even wayward at times, but it’s imperative that brands use social media to, at the very least, be aware of these needs and hopefully, respond to them in a manner that is appropriate and engaging. As Hubspot puts it, “If you’re not active on social, you’re really missing out; the conversations are happening with or without you.”

Interaction on social platform isn’t just about building a good service reputation, it’s building brand loyalty. Your may not notice a difference, but your followers definitely will.

Image via: Mashable 

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Manuel Daza